Guestbook for
Name:gloria mifsud
Where are
you from:
Comments:hey, well i met u @ my parents laundrymat. i talked to u a long time ago. i havent signed the guest book till now cause i hardly ever go on the internet. i looked at your stuff before but i didnt get a chance to sign the book because my brother needed the phone. sorry it took me so long to wirte this. i liked most of your stuff but especially the photos of your sister. i didnt get to much of a chance to look through all of your stuff.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?they were all pretty good
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?
August 2, 2000 03:50:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Welson Ryan AKA: The guy from CPAN-100
Where are
you from:
Canada... but I think you already knew that. :)
Comments:You got a lot of tallent! You work is very impressive. You going to do well at what ever it is you decide to do. Cheers, Welson P.S. E-mail me
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?Rays of Light. I dono why I like it so much but it's good that's all I can say :)
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?don't really have one.
June 9, 2000 03:44:54 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Mississauga (where we have nothing, right BJ??)
Comments:Good work, I never really knew that you where so good at this stuff. Keep at it
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why? was just cool
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?can't say (man isn't that gonna piss you off hehehe!)
May 18, 2000 23:49:45 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Mississauga (where we have nothing, right
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?
May 18, 2000 23:47:20 (GMT Time)

Name:david aka: max
Where are
you from:
america / malta
Comments:dude looks like some incredible work i was crusin noodle's site and came up on your sign in the guest book some really impressive work dude when you read this get in touch we would all love to hear from you
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?all of them
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?none of them
April 2, 2000 23:28:42 (GMT Time)

Email:we dont do that yet
Where are
you from:
TORONTO,as in canada
Comments:what nifty technolgy computers are! and you are mastering it well. keep inputting that funky shit!
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?the woman in the forest(not sure what shes called
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?HUH
December 26, 99 05:19:15 (GMT Time)

Name:Branka Raskovic
Where are
you from:
Comments:Way to go 3-D.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?
December 2, 99 20:22:00 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
nadur , gozo
Comments:it's really kicks some ass!! keep up the great work and good luck in canada......
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?mother is great, something different
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?i like them all... they are all excellent
October 18, 99 19:10:15 (GMT Time)

Name:Matt 'DUNK'
Where are
you from:
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?the sci-fi pink one ............. cos i just like it
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?all of them are nice ..... do not really have a least favorite one
October 17, 99 18:58:48 (GMT Time)

Name:DJ Fuk you
Where are
you from:
the scene of all boredom, gozo
Comments:That photo of the superock girl brought back funny memories. THe page was kewl. i haD FuN checkING it OUt. KeEp up The KeWL wORk.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?K-lab is cool and grotesque. Mother is awesome. I like the girl's face in the end of red.
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?Lava world is way too dark.
October 16, 99 02:14:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Anthony Zammit
Where are
you from:
Victoria Gozo MALTA
Comments:If I say impressed, I do not believe I would have said enough. Amazed, and more. Congratulations.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?Volcano World
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?Too Hard to say, I did not like how the ray hit her breast in 'The great escape'
October 14, 99 23:03:15 (GMT Time)

Name:Joe Pisani
Where are
you from:
New York Baby!!
Comments:Very nice work BJ. Mother and Ray of light are really nice. Good work on the site too. Glad I was of some help with your work...don't forget me when you're making loads of money doing this. :)
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?Destiny & Mother - nice detail
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?didn't have one
October 14, 99 22:57:35 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:BJ, it's awesome. Congratulations. It is really good.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?4 march off, it's fucking good. that's why.
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?can't say....
October 14, 99 09:20:51 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
New York City rock. you definately have a shot at something big ahead of you.
Which is your favorite 3d picture, and why?the red translucent one...really amazing to look at
Which is your least favorite 3d picture, and why?the lava thing....didnt quite see a lot..too dark i think
October 14, 99 02:40:07 (GMT Time)